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 Airsoft M1 Garand (Marushin), $320

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Posts : 14
Join date : 2009-08-15
Location : S.E. Grand Rapids

Airsoft M1 Garand (Marushin), $320 Empty
PostSubject: Airsoft M1 Garand (Marushin), $320   Airsoft M1 Garand (Marushin), $320 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 5:33 pm

Airsoft M1 Garand rifle

Top-quality wood and metal airsoft replica of the WW2 / Korea / Vietnam M1 Garand, made by Marushin.

Identical in look and weight to the real thing. Disassembles like the real thing.
Shoots 8mm plastic BBs (1 bag included)
BBs load into realistic-looking clips (two included), that eject after the last BB is fired, just like the real thing.
Not sure of the actual fps, but it puts holes in soda cans.

Technically requires a hard-to find freon gas, but works well with computer duster gas and silicone oil, easily loaded with an adaptor available from "Young's Surplus" and hobby stores ("Green" gas, must NOT be used, because it provides too high a pressure).

Includes real military web sling.

Will throw in free M5-1 bayonet and matching M8A1 sheath :
Just the M5-1 bayonet and matching M8A1 sheath: $45


Airsoft M1 Garand (Marushin), $320 Dscf4110

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Airsoft M1 Garand (Marushin), $320
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